K Pod
Southern Residents and a Dragonfly – 15/9/20
Well today was an interesting one… Started out feeling like deja vu with a couple things going exactly the same as yesterday… We stopped for harbour seals on a logboom being pulled by a tug just like yesterday, I spotted some Harbour Porpoise along the way, just like yesterday. Then things changed and the sense…
A Whale of a Time! – 9/02
When I first looked at the brochure for Vancouver Whale Watch, I saw people sitting in a small boat and pod of orcas swimming by extremely close. I was sure that the whales would never come that close to a boat, certainly not mine. I was so wrong. I took my first ever whale watching…
A Magical First Encounter with K Pod – 2017
It was 2017. My whole life I have loved whales, specifically orcas. After a lot of research my husband and I booked our trip to San Juan Island, including a whale watching trip with Maya’s Legacy. I had followed them for months on Instagram and Facebook and couldn’t wait to have my own Orca encounter.…