Location: Strait of Georgia
A Day of Wonderful Wildlife – 7/4/23
Today was a day with some wonderful wildlife! I had the joy of being the one to find the whales today!! It’s always exciting when that happens. It was the T086A’s who we found and they were making their way down the Strait of Georgia. After spending time with them, we stopped off to see…
Amazing Triple Breach! – 8/19
It was an afternoon trip when I was guiding with Wild Whales Vancouver. These humpbacks were basically breaching the whole time and then all at once they breached at the same time. There was actually 3 that breached, third was whale was blocked by one of the other ones. -Evan
A Day Full of Humpbacks – 25/10/20
It was another day full of humpbacks in the Strait of Georgia today! Lots of small groups and, seemingly, competitive behaviour starting. We had a group of three: BCY0771 “Bump” (male), BCY0785 “Mathematician” (probable male) and BC1210 “Slate” (confirmed female). They were being very interactive with one another, especially the two probable males, and after…
Massive Breach from Sprouter – 8/8/20
We battled today through some rough conditions to catch up with the T018’s in the Strait of Georgia. They were quite spread out and I was hanging out with T019B “Galiano” for a while and could see his brother, T019C “Spouter” in the distance. Just as I started to head over towards him, he did…
A First Encounter with Pacific White-Sided Dolphins! – 26/10/18
We set out onto the Strait of Georgia on a beautiful October day, on the lookout for some humpback whales. Though there had been many nearby in recent weeks, that day they proved quite elusive that day. Then, we heard an unusual report: a pod of Pacific White-Sided Dolphins had been riding the wake of…