Today, the 21st of December, is the darkest day of the year (winter solstice), which means that from tomorrow, every day will be a tiny little bit lighter until, eventually, we will welcome back the Sun toward the end of January here in the Arctic.

Today, we were lucky to find the “secret spot” with hundreds of orcas and 50+ humpback whales.

Few companies operate during the festive period (surface whale-watching companies).
We had an amazingly idyllic day today with feeding orcas and humpback whales, very few boats, and relaxed whales.
The light was not the best, but the experience was one of the best ones.

We were floating in the same area for over an hour just observing the animals changing between feeding and socializing.
Humpbacks passed under the boat several times, and orca calves were socializing with their family, rolling on their mother’s head…it was lovely to see.

Soon, we are heading towards a new year with new challenges, but today, we joined the Christmas dinner for the whales a little
Merry Christmas Everyone!
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