Very Cool Day on the Water with Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales – 11/6/16


Very cool day out on the water with the T123’s, T100’s, T86A’s and the T124A’s. Still getting used to my new camera setup but not too shabby.

open blow hole
You can the open blow hole!

It was an epic day! We had a T-Party with loads of socializing and an abundance of play, though there were times it looked like the little ones were practicing hunting behaviours, showing each other how it’s done.


Though I think all the headstands were just them showing off to each other! ?


It was such an amazing thing to witness

T100 passing close by with one of her young ones swimming right beside her.
T100 passing close by with one of her young ones swimming right beside her.

A cool but very blurry breach sequence:

breach sequence 1

breach 2

breach 3

breach 4

Lots of activity from these incredible animals!

T123A, Stanley making a big splash with his fluke!
T123A “Stanley” making a big splash with his fluke!





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