The T11A “Rainy” Show! – 26/4/17

What can I say about today’s whale watching tour… well for me it was a bit of a ‘Rainy’ show! lol

T11A (also known as Rainy) was front and center for most of my shots!

We had the T46B’s and the T11’s traveling together and at one point T11 (Wakana) split off with a couple of the t46B’s while her son T11A traveled closely with the rest of the group farther out into the Strait. I wonder if she was trying to help her son out in the lady department…

T11 “Wakana”

What was really neat about this tour also was in fact the actual weather.

T46B in front, T46B1 (with the tread mark looking saddle patch) in the middle, the bump by T46B1’s saddle patch is T46B1A, exhaling and still encased in water in behind is T46B2, T11 is next with her exhale just settling on her and if you look really closely in the foreground right beside T11 you will see the eye patch of T11A beneath the surface of the water.

We went from sunshine to downpour to sunshine, at some points we had glorious sunshine and gorgeous blue water on one side of our boat and the other side was dark and moody and threatening rain, a couple times we even had sun and rain at the same time (and this time I’m not talking about the whale)

T11A porpoising



One response to “The T11A “Rainy” Show! – 26/4/17”

  1. Kate Lord Avatar
    Kate Lord


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