Follow the southbound fluke during November and you will meet mother Humpbacks and their calves on the long journey south towards Antarctica. It was a lovely morning as we departed the Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour and made our way towards the sighting grounds.

A gathering of dorsal fins appeared as we could see the local Bottlenose Dolphins hanging out together on this Saturday morning after a bit of foraging. It was great to see them all relaxed and social indicating that they most likely had been enjoying a yummy breakfast of fresh seafood.

Approaching the bow for morning greetings we smiled to see their lovely little faces looking back up towards us enthusiastically.

Wishing them well for the rest of their morning ahead we continued out to the sighting grounds and began to search for a cetacean of a much bigger kind.

A tall, lofty blow rose skywards and we could see the distinctive arch of a Humpback Whale diving.

Approaching the area we noticed that this mother whale had her calf following closely and seemed to be in a hurry. She was a new arrival to the resting grounds and after a big swim to get here she was looking forward to finding a perfect spot to rest in for a while.

A most beautiful fluke lifted high in her round out dive and we were able to capture some great identification images of this female for our catalogue.

Mother and calf looked well and moved deeper into the grounds as she patiently looked for the perfect resting spot. Eventually she found one and settled in for an afternoon siesta as her calf joined in with the relaxing afternoon plans.

-Whale Watch Western Australia

This post was adapted from a blog, read the original here.


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