Today was the official last day of the whale watching season for 2018/2019..
And they behaved as if they would knew it…what a finale they gave us…There were at least a 100 orcas in the fjord (…still…) feeding on herring. No fishing boats, just a few whale watching boats.
It was amazing to see how energetically they were moving around, chasing the herring, playing with each other…The Orcas do not mind minus 16 degrees 🙂
After a day like this its even harder to get back our “normal” life without them… 🙁
We had an amazing season with many memorable encounters, which I will never forget in my whole life. For me to see orcas in the wild can still give me goosebumps and its like the very first day when I saw them…They can give you so much…. <3
I will miss them and hoping for the next season to come quick <3
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