A Flukes Story – 6/11/22
A flukes story unfolds during each journey we make as Humpback Whales reveal their stories through body language, scars and unique features. Today we had mothers and calves in the resting grounds as some were snoozing while one pod was on the move as she searched for the perfect place to rest and feed her…
Migrating Humpbacks – 27/7/22
Migrating Humpbacks are currently moving through Flinders Bay as this morning we met a heavily pregnant female northbound and a few very relaxed escort pods. The lovely winters morning was a perfect opportunity to head out and spend some time with the whales in-between the latest weather fronts that have moved through the region. Our…
Do Humpbacks Mate For Life? – 13/10/20
Do Humpbacks Mate For Life? The short answer is no, Humpback Whales do not mate for life but instead look for a new mate every breeding season. A female Humpback Whale will usually have one calf every 2-3 years and when it is time to fall pregnant she will be on the lookout for the…
Two Travelling Humpbacks – 24/6/19
On this trip we found two traveling humpbacks several miles off of Muir Beach. They were in about 80 feet of water. We saw a breach and a pectoral fin as the whale rolled on its side. There was some bird activity, particularly over anchovy bait balls. We stayed with the whales for about 30…
Orcas At Sunset – 29/2/20
Orcas at sunset created a special day as beautiful conditions and a special Orca family greeted us in the afternoon and we travelled together until sunset. It was a very beautiful morning and a lovely journey to the Patch, on our arrival there was a peacefulness and with minimal birdlife we began our search for…