The Naming of Things: Biggs Nicknames
Happy Orca Awareness Month! Are you aware of the different Orca ecotypes along the Pacific Northwest? Are you aware that one of those ecotypes was called “Transient” even though all Orcas in the Pacific Northwest transit through the area? Are you aware that “Transients” are now called “Biggs” after the researcher who first discovered that…
Amazing Day with the T46s, T46Bs and Humpbacks! – 13/8/19
Amazing day!! Two tours on Saratoga, we found T46’s and T46B’s on both including little gray whale T46B1B “Tl’uk” as well as 8 Humpbacks! The highlight for me was on trip one, we found humpbacks MMY0082 “Nala” and my favorite MMZ0013 “Two Spot”! They traveled side by side next to us then they sped up…
Biggs Killer Whales Playing with Salmon! – 20/8/19
The afternoon tour began on Smith Bank in the Strait of Juan de Fuca with one of our favorite humpback whale MMY0079 “Scratchy”! Scratchy even came over to the boat to say hello! After visiting with him for a bit we moved on to Haro Strait where we encountered the T46B’s (including little gray whale…
My First Encounter with “Tl’uk” – 28/5/19
What an absolutely incredible encounter I had today with an amazing family known as the T46Bs and one of the newest members in the group, T46B1B “Tl’uk” who has some form of leucistic colouration. The newest White Whale we know of… Not to be completely outshone, we also had T46B6 who may potentially be the…
An Amazing Day with the T46Bs – 2/6/19
Okay… today was an absolutely amazing day!!! The T046Bs (including the handsome white whale T046B1B now known as Tl’uk, pronounced Tuh-luke) or at least the little kidlets were super super active This was just incredible as they headed north towards Dodd Narrows. “Tl’uk” and the youngest member of this pod, T046B6, were trying to get…