Another Amazing Day in the Salish Sea – 19/5/17
Another amazing day out in the Salish Sea with Eagle Wing Whale Watching Tours! We started our journey at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve where we found “Ollie” the Sea Otter and many, many pinnipeds! We then motored east of Race Rocks back toward Victoria to find Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales, specifically the T86As and T124Ds!!…
Pretty Special Day with 26 Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales – 29/6/16
MORE KILLER WHALES!! Pretty insane season with Biggs. Today was pretty special. You can’t help but be concerned about the lack of resident sightings but from what I’ve heard, they are having a huge year for spring salmon on the west coast of the island so hopefully the residents are finding lots of food out…
Another Mind Blowing Encounter with the Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales – 3/5/16
The marine mammal eaters blow my mind again …. We arrived in their world just as they were coalescing into their troupe of 17 whales, where they all (minus T87 who was off doing his own thing) came together at the surface, laying there huddled in a secret and mysterious meeting (What I wouldn’t give…
Crazy Interaction with Incredibly Social Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales – 3/5/16
17 Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales being incredibly social-it was a pretty crazy time. Started off with tons of tail lobbing and breaching from the kids, then they all got together in a big group and were almost stationary at the surface, rolling around on one another. We shut down and watched for a while and…