An Unique Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whale Encounter – 3/6/15
An unique Bigg’s (Transient) encounter today. At least 20 whales, including some exotic T’s and fan favourties T65A’s and T137’s. PLUS!!! The T124A’s, T86A1, and T100B. Their behaviour was very cool and perplexing. Social milling is the only way I could describe it. They barely moved a quarter mile the entire time we were with…
Transient’s in Vancouver Harbour! – 22/6/15
Well I had the day off today. Got up early, headed to the gym and during my first set of deadlifts, I got a text that whales were in the Vancouver harbour! Dilemma! Do I finish the workout I JUST started OR ditch the workout, try and find a boat and go out and see…