A Rare “T Party!” – 14/4/17
Today was an amazing day! We witnessed something pretty rare: a T party! (When we see several Pods of Bigg’s (Transients) Killer Whales together). We saw the T49A’s, T101, T100’s and T124A’s! They were very playful and breaching multiple times(I don’t think I ever saw a T breach before!) T49A1 and T102 swam so close…
Cool Afternoon with the T49A’s – 10/7/16
Pretty cool afternoon with the T49A’s! Very social, rolling around one another, playing with debris and some new intense scars on T49A. We got a look at the Anttessa IV as well…incredible yacht. They had just wrapped up a hunt and this whale (pretty sure its T049A3) peeked above the surface towards us. Check out…
Awesome Encounter with the T49A’s and the T123’s – 9/4/16
Awesome encounter with the T49A’s and T123’s yesterday afternoon. They had taken down a sea lion and spent over an hour diving and feeding as gulls swarmed above. T49A3 and T49A4 were the most rambunctious of the group with a bunch of spyhops and breaches….another great day! T49A4 celebrating a sea lion kill with his/her…
T49A’s and T123’s – First Killer Whales of the Season! – 7/4/16
First killer whales of the season for me yesterday!! Spent the afternoon with the T49A’s and T123’s! I was having battery issues and wasn’t supposed to shut down but when these guys changed direction and came right at us, I had to shut down and let them go by. Unfortunately the motor wouldn’t start after…
The T49A’s and T123’s Feast on a Sea Lion! -9/4/16
The T49A’s and T123’s were so awesome today!! T123A “Stanley,” a robust 16 year old male, was lunging out of the water during a Sea Lion hunt he and his mother and little sister were engaged in (ps: the sea lion lost) It makes me wonder, when they apparently take their time consuming a carcass the…