An Amazing Day on the Water! – 8/7/17
Most days on the water are spectacular, other days are insanely EPIC. Today was most definitely the latter! Not only did we find two families of transient mammal-hunting killer whales, including lone male T51, close to Victoria, but we also found breaching Humpbacks! The waterfront was choppy, but the southbound killer whales seemed to enjoy…
Another Great T-Party! – 7/9/18
T-Party, Day Two! This morning, we had the T2Cs, T34s, T37, T37As (incl. T37A1) and T37Bs. They were milling on a kill for a while, before grouping up and socializing with breaches and tail-slaps all over. One of the youngsters chased a common murre before breaching with the bird in its mouth and submerging it.…
A Visit from “Captain Hook!” – 11/11/17
Today, we encountered T72 “Captain Hook” or “Young”, an Alaskan transient who spends most of his time up around Juneau…over 800 miles away! A number of people have told me that he’s notorious for erratic, spontaneous movements and therefore he’s difficult to follow. What a joy to meet him! Hoping he sticks around for a…
Amazing Night with the T37A’s – 19/7/17
After SO much searching last night we found the T37As. They were just moving up the Strait of Georgia and then, all of a sudden, they got super social! Breaching, tail slaps, cartwheels…pretty insane. As we followed them, I noticed T37A2 and T37A3 broke off and turned towards our boat. I put it in neutral…
Insane Encounter with the T37A’s! – 10/8/15
Insane encounter with the T37A’s-they took down 4 porpoises within 2 hours and even had T37A2 come show off what was left of it to the boat! It was a pretty amazing evening out on the water this season with Tasli. We found the T37A’s right outside of Cowichan Bay and had a great encounter with…