Another Amazing Trip to the Broughton Archipelago – 10/18
What an epic crew trip this year in the Broughton! Three full days on the water and each day being so different and amazing in different ways. One day, we went over the top of Vancouver Island and got into some ground swell where we found the T55’s and the rarely seen T140’s. Some really…
Brutal, Breath-Taking Beauty – An Interaction with Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales – 4/12/10
We (Jared Towers, Christie McMillan and I) went out on December 4th, 2010 on the waters of Northern Vancouver Island in the hopes of finding a humpback whale. We didn’t. Instead Nature gifted us with two sightings of Transient (Bigg’s) Killer Whales; a total of 16 animals. First we found the T55s and T19s (IDs…