A New Calf in Herbert Inlet – 8/2/18
Earlier today, Lennie and I got a report of transient orcas in Millar Channel across from Ahousaht. I had some work to finish up in the village so we agreed to meet at the dock in an hour. By the time we found them, they were at the very head of Herbert Inlet. They had…
The T11A “Rainy” Show! – 26/4/17
What can I say about today’s whale watching tour… well for me it was a bit of a ‘Rainy’ show! lol T11A (also known as Rainy) was front and center for most of my shots! We had the T46B’s and the T11’s traveling together and at one point T11 (Wakana) split off with a couple…
Double Header with Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales and J Pod – 17/4/16
Pretty sure this is my first time seeing the T011’s. They’re infamous for being part of the minke whale kill that happened in Ganges Harbour back in 2002. (Read more here!) One of my favourites from today! J35 in the lead and J31 just surfacing. This after a cool encounter with the T46B’s, T46C2 and…