A Sunset Hunt – 29/6/22
The T109Cs, T75Bs and T041s scoured Clayoquot Sound from top to bottom yesterday, beginning their day in Stewardson Inlet and finishing at Schooner Cove. At sunset they attempted a hunt at Gowland Rocks, squeezing through shallow passage ways hoping to catch a seal unaware! -Marcie
Best Day of the Season So Far – 28/5/22
What a day! We had T002B and the T060s (minus D/E), T065Bs, T075Bs, T109Cs & T123s Here are the T123’s from this perfect, drizzly tour. T060 “Panthera” checking us out after surfacing unexpectedly…giving us a great look at her namesake! Can you see the big cat-like form in her eyepatch? ???? She’s named after the…