Surprise Visit from T109A’s – 11/8/24
Today, we had a surprise visit from the T109As in Clayoquot Sound. They are still working their way through the inlets to everyone’s delight! T109A4 “Garrett”, born in 2012, is sprouting up quickly, his dorsal fin taller already than the last time I saw him! -Marcie On tour with @whalesafaris ***Photos are taken from an…
Moonlight with Bigg’s Killer Whales – 27/8/23
Today was such an incredible day with the T099s, T137s, T109As, T038C, and T038E. T137A “Jack” catching some air this afternoon. You can see the floats of a crab trap right below him and, shortly after this breach, he started pulling along the trap with him. A behaviour that is, seemingly, becoming more and more…
Sunset Cruise with Bigg’s Killer Whales – 5/7/23
On a sunset cruise we were lucky enough to encounter the T109As and a rarely seen group the T075’s! Both were westbound in the Juan de Fuca strait seemingly making their exit after a few day stay. While we may see the T109As again in the near future, who knows when the T075s will arrive…
A Day with the T109As – 15/1/23
Winter can be a challenging time to observe Orcas in Clayoquot Sound. There are fewer boats on the water to spot them in the first place and the weather conditions can be much harsher and less forgiving for camera equipment. I find that orca presence in the area does pick up from January to March…
A New Calf in Clayoquot Sound – 18/7/22
The T109As were in Clayoquot Sound again today along with their newest calf T109A3A born within the last 6 months. They had several successful hunts as they made their way around rocks, reefs and islets in the outer Sound. The T109 “Big Momma” matriline has over 20 individuals now! They often travel in 5 separate…