Large Group of Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales on our Doorstep – 14/6/16
Well after a 5 hour whale watch trip, we returned to the harbour and dropped off our passengers without seeing any killer whales. An hour later, I get a call about a large group of whales ,including the T124As, T100’s and T86A1 right on our doorstep…..naturally, I had to go check them out….nothing better than a…
Welcome to the World T100B2! – 30/5/16
What a day! Got to meet a new calf that is no more than 7 days old! T100B was spotted a week ago with no baby so this calf is only in its first few days of life! I could still see fetal folds and a wobbly dorsal fin. Really amazing conditions and then topped…