Crazy Night with Bigg’s Killer Whales – 23/8/19
Crazy night as the T36As seemingly came out of nowhere and joined up with the T99s for a little porpoise snack. As the party continued, the T100s caught on and bombed in from the west to join. Lots of curious behaviour from the T99’s especially T99C! T99C approached our boat as we were watching them…
Pretty Special Day with 26 Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales – 29/6/16
MORE KILLER WHALES!! Pretty insane season with Biggs. Today was pretty special. You can’t help but be concerned about the lack of resident sightings but from what I’ve heard, they are having a huge year for spring salmon on the west coast of the island so hopefully the residents are finding lots of food out…
Large Group of Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales on our Doorstep – 14/6/16
Well after a 5 hour whale watch trip, we returned to the harbour and dropped off our passengers without seeing any killer whales. An hour later, I get a call about a large group of whales ,including the T124As, T100’s and T86A1 right on our doorstep…..naturally, I had to go check them out….nothing better than a…
Absolutely Unreal Day with Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales – 11/6/16
What a wild day. My best encounter of the season thus far-an absolutely unreal day with the T100’s, T124A’s, T86A’s and T123’s. An epic encounter with 15 Bigg’s Killer Whales spending more time in the air than in the water! Check out this breach sequence from T100C! Non stop surface activity and I have never…
A New Calf for T100B! – 30/5/16
On my trip out today, one of my passengers spotted the Orcas!! We were excited to see that it was more than the initial 5 animals we saw pop up. Instead it was the T124A’s, T86A’s, T123’s and T100’s! As we were enjoying our time with them we noticed a very small, very orangey little…