A Post Kill Celebration – 20/10/19
T099B doing a funny half breach while little sibling T099D looks on. These guys had just made a kill (harbor seal most likely) along with the T037As. Once the whole gang was together with their food ready to eat, they started breaching and pec slapping like mad (a highly unprofessional term we call “pop corning”,…
A Great Meetup with Uncommon Biggs Killer Whales – 11/9/19
Sweet morning meeting up with some uncommon Bigg’s Killer Whales (U083 U084 and their familiess) that I haven’t seen since the end of November 2018. They were travelling with one of my favourite matrilines, the T099s! T099, one of my favourite killer whales, returned with a new nick (‘cause she’s a ~badass~) and some “U”…