A Large Group of Bigg’s Killer Whales! – 26/6/22
Rushed up to Parksville yesterday to head out on the water and follow up on a large group of Bigg’s! Incredible day with multiple matrilines socializing with 31 animals present including the T049As, T002Cs, T100s, T137s, T034s, T037, T037Bs, T123s, and the T101s. Love the coordinated Bigg’s launches that seem to happen quite frequently during…
Bigg’s (Transient) and Resident’s at the Beginning of the Season! 11/3/18
Full day on the water today. Such a fun day hanging out with the T002C’s in the morning watching them chase seals around. Spieden Island was loaded with wildlife on the way home. Then, an absolutely stunning evening in the Strait of Georgia with J pod! Crawling through all the photos now but loved this…