Bremer Orca Kill Beaked Whale – 14/2/20
Today in the Bremer Canyon a Cuvier’s Beaked Whale was successfully hunted by over 60 Orca. Moments after arriving in the Patch we were greeted by Orca and a special family pod, little Grace the Orca calf was happily travelling alongside her mum Dot. Slater was curious and playful as he swam straight towards our…
Killer Whales Hunt Beaked Whale – 18/2/20
Killer Whales hunt Beaked Whale this morning as hundreds of Shearwaters and Albatross flocked to the large oil slick that had formed on the surface. Our morning firstly began with a very curious Slater who spent time swimming right underneath our feet and saying good morning, such a sociable Orca. The rest of the family…
Bremer Killer Whales Forage – 19/3/20
Bremer Killer Whales forage throughout today took them on a long distance marathon as they scanned kilometres of ocean in search of a meal. The season is certainly changing and as we arrived in peaceful conditions this morning in The Patch a lone dorsal fin broke the surface. This was closely followed by one more,…