A Day Full of Humpbacks – 25/10/20
It was another day full of humpbacks in the Strait of Georgia today! Lots of small groups and, seemingly, competitive behaviour starting. We had a group of three: BCY0771 “Bump” (male), BCY0785 “Mathematician” (probable male) and BC1210 “Slate” (confirmed female). They were being very interactive with one another, especially the two probable males, and after…
Utterly Amazing Humpback Encounter! – 23/10/16
Ok let me preface this humpback encounter with the amazingness that came before we even got with them… We headed out across the Strait of Georgia without any reports and decided to head over to Belle Chains first. The Steller Sea Lion rock was covered in them, Males, Females,Juveniles! All grumbling and playing in the…