Best Day of the Season So Far – 28/5/22
What a day! We had T002B and the T060s (minus D/E), T065Bs, T075Bs, T109Cs & T123s Here are the T123’s from this perfect, drizzly tour. T060 “Panthera” checking us out after surfacing unexpectedly…giving us a great look at her namesake! Can you see the big cat-like form in her eyepatch? ???? She’s named after the…
My First Time Seeing Killer Whales from Land! – 4/4/13
It was very early in the morning on a spring day in Sidney B.C. I decided to go to the water to watch the Sunrise. As I walked along I started to hear blows. I looked out toward Sidney Spit and there were Orca heading in toward Sidney. I realized they were going to the…
T123 Catching Some Air! – 24/11/18
T123 “Sidney” catching some air today! We had countless breaches today with the T35As, T38As, T49As , T123s, CA166, CA172s and CA173s. I was waiting for T123 to join in on the action, following her in my viewfinder, when she erupted out of the water into a full bellyflop. She’s definitely a favourite! -Brendon
Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales: Bird Hunters! – 24/10/18
Insane encounter with Bigg’s (Transient) Orca’s this afternoon! We had the T35As, T38As and T123s on a sea lion kill, watched them celebrate, then watched them take down a second sea lion and, while the adults ate, all the youngsters chased and killed 7-8+ Rhinoceros Auklets! I’m still speechless. T123C “Lucky” attempted to breach repeatedly…
Another Great Encounter with T123A “Stanley!” – 21/4/17
Stanley!!!! For the first time ever I was able to ID a whale without looking at my pictures (At that distance)! I saw Stanley and immediately recognized his dorsal ! When we found him he was on his own, cause you know 17 year old teenagers sometimes need time alone, especially when they still live…