Short-finned Pilot Whales
A Trip Offshore – 10/23
Bill McKim from Jersey Shore Whale Watchers chartered a 18-20 hour Pelagic Bird & Marine Life expedition aboard the Jersey Girl on Oct. 18-19, 2023. Our goal was explore off shore birds and Marine Life 100+ Nautical miles off the coast of Belmar, NJ. With the help from Danielle M. Brown (marine naturalist) from Gotham…
An Amazing Trip Offshore – 10/23
We departed from the dock at 12:15 AM, embarking on a journey into the deep ocean. Our first order of business was to convene for a group meeting, during which we informed everyone that we had changed our course from the Hudson Canyon. Some expressions of concern were visible on their faces until we revealed…
The Naming of Things: Blackfish
aka: The whales that are actually dolphins that are actually toothed whales, part 2! Last year we tackled the age-old debate of “Killer Whale” vs “Orca” and in doing so we dug into the conundrum that is the toothed whale that is a member of the dolphin family but called a whale. But did you…
A Marine Life Bonanza! – 12/8/19
I went on a pelagic trip out of New Jersey with the Buffalo Ornithological Society in search of pelagic birds. However, as a cetacean lover, I knew I was going to keep an eye out for whales and dolphins too. We set out at 10pm on 8/11 to enter deep waters and started birding at…