A Unique Encounter with Dolphins and Humpbacks – 14/9/23
At a time of year from Holmavik, Westfjords, Iceland where we mostly see larger humpbacks deep-feeding, we had an unusual tour today. With beautiful weather and light we could see whales blowing from the harbour. But when we got out there we struggled to find them and those we saw were taking very long dives,…
Playtime – 25/11/22
Today the orcas we encountered were in the mood to have some “fun” One came up to the boat to catch a big jellyfish and then carried it around for several minutes while swimming, sometimes upside-down, to look at our reaction. While another orca, a juvenile probably from the same group, was swimming very fast…
Augusta Southern Right Whales – 8/8/21
Augusta Southern Right Whales arrive during the winter months and today we watched on as two newborns enjoyed playtime together in the nursery grounds. The patter of rain enveloped Augusta in the early morning as the calm before the incoming storm settled over Flinders Bay. Departing the Augusta Boat Harbour the rain began to clear…
Orca Play with Sunfish – 22/2/21
Orca Play with Sunfish on a regular basis in the Bremer Canyons and today two young calves faced each other while belly to belly as they lifted the Sunfish above water level. It was a busy morning with four family pods sighted including Cookie and Cheryl as both families allowed the youngsters to play and…
Moments with Orca Calf Milli – 5/2/21
Moments with Orca calf Milli in Bremer Bay were very special today as tiny calf Milli spent her time socialising and playing with her pod members and welcomed us into the pod all morning. Shortly after arriving the call went out as Orca were just up ahead and the first pod of the morning was…