Sunset with Humpbacks – 14/7/18
The whales were on the move yesterday in search of food so our captain decided to try exploring a completely new area for our sunset whale watch. It really paid off! We found three Humpback Whales; Nike and then we moved on to see a pair identified as Milkyway and Nine. Being able to watch these…
My First (Whale) Mugging – 5/10/17
Woe is to the naturalist who has repeatedly watched whales approach other vessels to inspect them and never had the pleasure of this “mugging” experience. Every time I witnessed this behaviour it was always a whale approaching every boat but the one I was on. We would sit back at the appropriate distance (100m) engines…
Thanksgiving FULL of Whales! – 2/10/17
A day where I got to see ALL the whales. It started out with my captain spotting two humpbacks. One identified as BCX0132 “El Diablo”. The other I am afraid was not fluking and chunky conditions made for tricky IDs. Had a great time with them then decided to go further south. This was on…
Utterly Amazing Humpback Encounter! – 23/10/16
Ok let me preface this humpback encounter with the amazingness that came before we even got with them… We headed out across the Strait of Georgia without any reports and decided to head over to Belle Chains first. The Steller Sea Lion rock was covered in them, Males, Females,Juveniles! All grumbling and playing in the…