Triple Header! – 4/8/17
Triple header!! We first spent time with a lone grey whale near Albert Head. Luckily enough, this whale also fluked up before diving! My first ever grey whale! 😀 We then motored over to find Resident (fish-eating) killer whales from L Pod (L4s, L26s, L47s, L55s, L72s) westbound past Beechey Head. Last – but certainly…
A Fantastic Evening Encounter with L Pod! – 23/8/16
We were motoring slowly around Stuart Island when L Pod began to pick up speed. They were travelling southward in Haro Strait, heading for the Strait of Juan De Fuca. L92 “Crewser” was extremely active, often breaching and spyhopping throughout the encounter. L82 Kasatka even joined him in a number of breaches and L118 “Jade”…
Huge Southern Resident Killer Whale Resting Group – 18/10/14
Amazing day yesterday! Lots of J’s, K’s and L’s 3 miles south of Discovery Island. HUGE resting groups….it was a beautiful way to say goodbye for another season. Only one week left, hopefully I’ll see them at least once more. -Gary