Location: Olafvsik Iceland
A Rare Calm Day – 11/6/24
A rare calm day spent in the company of playful Icelandic orcas. Orca sightings this season have been somewhat more sporadic than some seasons here off west Iceland as we seem to have less herring around than some seasons. Herring is their main food. But we still manage to find some orcas regularly and as…
An Orca Winning Streak – 29/2/24
I went to Iceland to see the orcas. I was a little bit nervous because the whale watching company had been having a good streak of seeing the orcas. Every trip they had had so far had seen orcas. I was hoping that the streak wouldn’t be broken. I was not disappointed. There were 3…
Breaching Minke! – 3/7/21
We headed out in glassy seas, but as ever in Iceland you need to wait five minutes and everything can change. After a very short time the wind picked up, making our trips rather bouncy. Heading out towards the tip of Snaefellsnes peninsula, where we hope to have a chance of spotting orcas at this…
Amazing Experience with Orcas in Iceland – 23/5/19
I have loved these beautiful majestic creatures since I was a kid in 1988 when I seen a news report of 3 Grey whales trapped in ice in Alaska & always thought how much I would love to see them in the wild. I have been to Tarifa on the Strait of Gibraltar only seen…