Location: Howe Sound
Killer Whales “Ruin” Our Day of Porpoise Study – 17/5/20
We study porpoises around the world, but obviously, every living thing in the ocean gets our attention. Big and small, black and white or the simple, stylish grey of our favourite small cetacean, the Harbour Porpoise, we get to see it all. Sometimes, though, we are a little more conflicted about those sightings, and this…
Bigg’s (Transient)’s in the Smoke – 4/8/17
Due to the wild fires raging through British Columbia during the summer, the Strait of Georgia had a reddish haze which led into really thick smoke choking out the sun in the first week of August. During this week there were far, far fewer whales around than there had been even the week prior. I…
Beautiful Encounter with Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales in Howe Sound – 13/8/14
New Biggs calf!! Looks like the mom is T124D. We had a beautiful encounter with them and the T36B’s, T101’s, T90’s, T34’s and T37’s in Howe Sound! There is nothing quite like seeing the T101’s and their massive dorsal fins……so iconic -Gary
The T123’s in Howe Sound – 29/5/16
We had the T123’s in Howe Sound today! It was pretty chunky in the strait so I’m thrilled these guys decided Howe Sound would be a nice place to travel around for a bit. We never got to see the hunt or the post meal celebration, and maybe there never was one, but I see…
T124D and T124D1 in Howe Sound – 29/9/15
Who doesn’t love a baby popping up out of the water beside mom?!? Here is T124D1 breaking the surface with mom T124D traveling just ahead. Sunshine and orca are a pretty good combination! Love spending time with Orcas in Howe Sound! T124D did a couple spyhops checking out the area around her and her son. -Ashley