Location: Clayoquot Sound
An Encounter with T109 and the T109D’s – 11/7/24
Today, the T109/T109Ds came through the outer stretches of Clayoquot Sound, circling islets and ducking into bays. This is part of the extended family of T109A3A “kʷiisaḥiʔis”, the orphaned orca calf a short distance up our coast. T109 is the great grandmother of “kʷiisaḥiʔis”. The pod was last seen heading west up the coast from…
Foggy Day with Rainy – 7/9/23
T011A, Rainy, is a lone male who lost his mom a few years back. Survival rates for male orcas after they lose their moms drops significantly, but so far, Rainy seems to be doing well. At times, he is seen with other pods, but often he is traveling solo and revisiting familiar routes they often…
December with Ditto – 12/23
December truly has been a gift with 13 days (so far) of a gray whale known as Ditto, feeding within sight of our cabin! Ditto, or CSG349 is one of the few grey whales who feeds in this channel and has been seen in past years feeding in Chesterman and Cox Bay with her calf,…
Spending Some Time with Two Giants – 9/7/23
Today, I spent time alongside two giants while in one of the smallest boats possible. It was definitely a challenge to drive, watch my surroundings, and photograph at the same time! I got the hang of it pretty quickly though and started enjoying myself! These individuals are T049A2 and T051. I haven’t seen T051 for…
A Day with the T109As – 15/1/23
Winter can be a challenging time to observe Orcas in Clayoquot Sound. There are fewer boats on the water to spot them in the first place and the weather conditions can be much harsher and less forgiving for camera equipment. I find that orca presence in the area does pick up from January to March…