Location: Cape Leeuwin
Augusta Humpback Final Days – 4/8/21
Augusta Humpback Final Days are fast approaching as we come to the closing stages of the northern Humpback Whale migration. A beautiful morning greeted us as the rain clouds cleared and the calm sea took a rest after many days of relentless rain and wind. Gannets foraged along the tide line as Albatross soared with the…
Whale Watching off Cape Leeuwin – 6/8/21
Whale watching off Cape Leeuwin today as we were greeted by a clear crisp morning heading out into Flinders Bay on the look out for our much loved Humpbacks. During August we will start to see a slight change in the migration pattern where we used to observe big competition pods and numerous blows filling…
Cape Leeuwin Competition Pod – 14/6/18
We joined the Cape Leeuwin Competition Pod this afternoon as they raced through Flinders Bay at high speeds and with powerful energy. Spending the morning with a female Humpback Whale who was trying to get the attention of other males in the area by pectoral fin slapping and releasing a scent to seek out the most…