Location: Bleik
The Bond Between Females and Calves – 23/6/23
We came across a group of Pilot Whales today. It is so amazing to see the intimate bond between females and calves. They swim most of the time side by side, visibly touching each other. One calf got tired, stayed behind the group a little, and floated on the surface for 1-2 minutes. It got…
Sunday with Pilot Whales – 25/6/23
Today we have encountered a very inquisitive group of pilot whales.. These amazing creatures spent around half an hour around our boat and had a look at us from each direction. Sometimes they are just as curious about us as we are about them. Pilot whales are extremely social animals and have tight family relationships.…
Rissos Again – 2/8/23
Today we were lucky to reencounter Risso’s dolphins. Impressive and speedy creatures. We encountered a group that had several calves with them. It was hard to estimate the overall number because they spread out. Some of the calves were in a playful mood and threw their tail in the air to put on a show…
Mimicking – 18/7/23
Finally, we reencountered pilot whales We love to be around these curious creatures. I assumed there were at least 100 pilot whales in the area; we could see them wherever we looked, and there were several smaller groups. We were cruising along with them when a small group of females and calves approached the boat.…
Sunday Funday – 13/8/23
…with Risso’s dolphins again. Today we have encountered the biggest group of Risso’s dolphins, we have ever seen. They were in super social mood and jumping around for over an hour. You can see one of them making a half jump with its mouth open, and teeth are also visible…not sure what is the reason…