Location: Alert Bay
Stunning Day in Alert Bay – 16/11/17
Stunning day up here. Great water conditions and no rain allowed Tasli and I to get out on the boat and explore the area a bit. We have been hearing humpbacks on the hydrophones in the house almost every night and decided to head to that location today. At least 10-15 humpbacks feeding! The day was topped…
Amazing Day with Northern Residents and Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales! – 24/8/16
We started early in the morning from Alert Bay with Seasmoke Whale Watching, the fog was so thick we could not see a hand in front of us, I thought there was no way we would find anything on the water! With the cooperation of researchers and fishermen in the area we soon had reports…
Brutal, Breath-Taking Beauty – An Interaction with Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales – 4/12/10
We (Jared Towers, Christie McMillan and I) went out on December 4th, 2010 on the waters of Northern Vancouver Island in the hopes of finding a humpback whale. We didn’t. Instead Nature gifted us with two sightings of Transient (Bigg’s) Killer Whales; a total of 16 animals. First we found the T55s and T19s (IDs…