Orca River Otter Predation – 3/1/24
Well…predation or attempted predation. Today on the eastern shore of Whidbey Island we saw members of the T124As and T124Ds, chase a river otter. While Bigg’s orcas are marine mammal eaters, river otters aren’t usually on their diet, so this was unusual. We are still sorting through IDs, but I feel comfortable saying the T124A4s…
Looking into the Eyes of the Prey – 5/7/14
When we found the whales near Thetis Island, they were doing what whales do, travelling, milling about. While we watched them with engines off, I noticed off our starboard side a Harbour Seal. Everyone was looking at the whales off our stern but I was looking at the seal. The way these Orcas are acting,…
The T124A’s in Burrard Inlet! – 1/6/17
We got an early report of Orca close by in English Bay from a fisherman. RomanĀ found them in Burrard Inlet and stayed with them till we could get there! What was remarkable about this encounter was that we had each and every single one of the T124A family group! Yep even T124A1! This a tad…
An Unique Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whale Encounter – 3/6/15
An unique Bigg’s (Transient) encounter today. At least 20 whales, including some exotic T’s and fan favourties T65A’s and T137’s. PLUS!!! The T124A’s, T86A1, and T100B. Their behaviour was very cool and perplexing. Social milling is the only way I could describe it. They barely moved a quarter mile the entire time we were with…