Another Amazing Day with J and K Pods! – 22/9/16
Some of the highlights from today’s encounter with J’s and K’s. At one point, they pushed offshore so I shut down and this curious girl came over to have a look. Found this gem when going through my photos: J27 “Blackberry” cartwheeling (out of focus) but taking a crap mid air!! A little…
Breaches Everywhere! – 15/9/16
One of the highlight moments from the trip today! They were all in a tight resting group and then just started going off! Suddenly there were breaches everywhere! They followed that up by spreading out and foraging. The best was at the end of the trip, a 80 year old man walked up to…
Adorable Moment with J54 – 10/4/16
This moment was sort of adorable so I thought I would share…. The youngest Southern Resident J54 was with his mother, J28 “Polaris” and big sister, J46 “Star”, foraging. J54 was breaking away from mom and zooming over to his sister and back again as they no doubt were coordinating salmon hunting, all the baby can…