J Pod and Bigg’s Double Header! – 10/3/19
We traveled south of Campbell River, we ran into J Pod members in between Mitlenatch Island and Vancouver Island. I have seen J Pod a few times before but I have never seen them so spread out. All 6 of them were spread out and just traveling. We first saw L87 “Onyx” and traveled with…
The L12’s Visit Active Pass! – 25/9/16
It has been well over a year since I have had a good encounter with the L12s. We so rarely get to see them up in our neck of the woods anymore so yesterday was pretty awesome getting to watch them come through Active Pass behind J pod. L41 “Mega” dragged this piece of kelp…
Amazing Interactions with J and L Pod’s! – 19/6/14
Pictures don’t really describe today’s trip. L’s racing in from out west, J’s racing towards them followed up by some amazing interactions between them. They seemed so stoked to see each other!! In this shot, they were just logging on the surface and as the whale is the middle’s rostrum and melon came above the…