Spyhops Galore! – 11/7/15
Spyhops galore! Beautiful west coast day with Group A of J Pod and the K14’s going through Active Pass. A shot of J19’s “Shachi” aerial scan as she was coming out of Active pass. She is definitely one of the more acrobatic southern residents….if there is a breach and she’s around, I’m betting it’s her!…
Spectacular Day-Whales Everywhere! -23/7/15
Spectacular day! Over 50 killer whales today! Members of all three pods in the area but a very interesting split. Group A of J pod went north up Swanson channel and Ks and Ls went east up Boundary Pass. They will join up later on but very interesting to see them going separate routes. -Gary
Triple Header with Cassiopeia, J Pod and some Bigg’s (Transient) Orca’s! -5/6/15
Triple header today!! First BCYuk2010#2 “Cassiopeia” breaching like crazy in the Strait of Georgia, Followed up with J pod including new calf J51 with her mother J41 “Eclipse” and Grandmother J19 “Shachi” J14 was also there popping up to check out our enthusiastic whale watching group! Then on the way home we bumped into the…
J Pod near Adler Bay – 9/5/09
This was my first trip out as a Naturalist! A dream come true for a little girl from Ontario who always hoped to have the chance to see killer whales off BC. Wow! this is my job, pinch me this can’t be real. A day to remember. At this time we were not allowed to…