BCY0633 “Domino” Lunge Feeds on Juvenile Herring – 2/9/15
Big Gulp! BCY0633 “Domino: the Humpback Whale lunge feeding on juvenile herring. Prey reduction has been identified as a threat to the North Pacific population of Humpback Whales (listed as Threatened under Canada’s Species at Risk Act). The work of Marine Research and Education Society Research Director, Christie McMillan, estimated that non-reproductive female, pregnant female, and…
Tail-lobs from Domino -7/10/15
Domino (BCY0633) is so easy to identify as an individual with a very distinctive dorsal fin and an extremely distinctively marked fluke which inspired the nickname. Fall is definitely the season when Humpback hormones appear to lead to more energy going into socializing. We’ve been seeing more groups of 2 and 3 whales associating now…