An Intense Day with Humpbacks and Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales – 25/10/14
Such an intense day! It really felt like fall out there…..choppy seas, cold wind, baker covered in snow and, of course, WHALES! Got to hang out with a couple Humpbacks in the Strait of Georgia (BCZ0180 “Monarch” and a friend who never fluked) followed up by none other than my favourite group of Biggs, the…
An Interesting Encounter with J51, J41 and J47 – 14/4/15
J51 was with mom and J47 (J19 and J35 were nearby), and there did appear to be some pushing going on. A few times J47 surfaced right with J51 while J41 was a little bit ahead. J47 was breaching a bit as well, it was pretty charming and interesting to see him tagging along with…