
  • The T65As and T65Bs take down a Steller Sea Lion – 1/5/15

    So there we were, getting a look at BCYuk2014#3 “Windy” (!!!!!) for the first time this year when all of a sudden, like thieves in night, the T65As and T65Bs came speeding (make that racing! high speed porpoising!) from the distance straight toward Boiling Reef and the Steller Sea Lions that haul out there. T65A2…

  • A Great Encounter with “Windy” – 25/4/14

    Unusually warm for April and the first truly windless day of the season, our 11am whale watching departure was shaping up to be a beautiful day, regardless of any wildlife we might see along the way. Being early in the season for Resident Killer Whales, and with no reports of Bigg’s (Transient) Killer Whales at…

  • Humpback near Galiano Island – 8/8/13

    My first encounter with a humpback was also my most memorable. We spotted a humpback off of Galiano and made our approach. The whale surfaced in the distance a few times then changed direction and came right towards us! Humpbacks usually make 4-5 short shallow dives before arching their backs high (this is when you…