Another Great Day Watching Humpbacks in the Strait of Juan de Fuca – 12/7/18
We set out from Victoria, BC, into a glassy Strait of Juan de Fuca in search of humpback blows. And we found 2: a female locally known as BCX01057 “Divot”, and her newest calf! We watched them for some time, and noticed some odd behaviours from the calf. At first, we thought mom was teaching…
Utterly Amazing Humpback Encounter! – 23/10/16
Ok let me preface this humpback encounter with the amazingness that came before we even got with them… We headed out across the Strait of Georgia without any reports and decided to head over to Belle Chains first. The Steller Sea Lion rock was covered in them, Males, Females,Juveniles! All grumbling and playing in the…