Bremer Canyons New Killer Whale Calf ‘Milli’ – 17/1/21
Bremer Canyons new Killer Whale calf was introduced to us today by her family pod and as the little one made her way towards us we knew straight away who we would name in her honour. Milli Lucas was a brave young lady and we know that this beautiful calf will proudly carry her name…
Killer Whales Hunt Beaked Whale – 18/2/20
Killer Whales hunt Beaked Whale this morning as hundreds of Shearwaters and Albatross flocked to the large oil slick that had formed on the surface. Our morning firstly began with a very curious Slater who spent time swimming right underneath our feet and saying good morning, such a sociable Orca. The rest of the family…
Albany Killer Whales – 21/2/20
Albany Killer Whales surged to the west today as we found ourselves on a high powered surge and if we went any further we would have found ourselves in Albany. Our morning began within moments of arriving in the Patch as Pilot Whales surged past our bow with much energy and we were tempted to…