First killer whales of the season for me yesterday!! Spent the afternoon with the T49A’s and T123’s! I was having battery issues and wasn’t supposed to shut down but when these guys changed direction and came right at us, I had to shut down and let them go by. Unfortunately the motor wouldn’t start after that and had to limp in on one but was totally worth it.
Amazing to watch T123A “Stanley” and T49A3 interacting and to see the skin condition on T123A’s dorsal fin appears to be getting better compared to the last couple of years. It was incredible to watch the groups interacting. T123A “Stanley” was playing around with T49A3 showing him the ropes of being a bull male
One of my favourite shots yesterday. T123, a 31 year old matriarch peeked her head above the surface and you could see her turn her head and look our way.
So glad to be back on the water with these guys!
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