The past few days have been very stormy. We have been out and only found a few humpback whales yesterday.
As it is the middle of January, we are getting towards the end of the current season, so we were expecting fewer and fewer animals.
Nature is unpredictable. This has been proven again today!
Today we have found a pod of orcas in the morning and the day turned out to be one of my “best days ever”.
Looks like there’s still a lot of herring around and the orcas started feeding, together with a single humpback whale.
It was natural feeding, there were no fishing boats around.
You can see a lot of herring on the surface in 2 photos, one with an orca spy hoping next to them and a humpback lunging thru the middle of a herring ball.
After and sort of in between the feeding the orcas were in a super playful mood and they were spy-hopping ALL the time.
They were just going up and down, I think we have seen spy hops around 200 times today and that is not a joke
I have never seen so many orcas faces before
It is so amazing how they all have different eye patches, just look at the shapes, little patches, and sizes.
Let’s hope the herring will stick around a bit more and we can have a few more days like this.
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