Rottnest Island Wildlife Tour – 10/11/23

Rottnest Island Wildlife Tour it was today as we enjoyed the company of playful Humpback Whales, a very curious Fur Seal and an incredible flyby from our Australian Airforce.

A refreshing sea breeze ruffled the ocean surface as we made our way out towards Rottnest Island and amongst the Humpback Whale sighting grounds. It was lovely to see three pods had converged and begun to socialise as the calves took the opportunity to mingle and practice the Language of the Whales.

The mother whales watched over carefully and relaxed as the calves entertained themselves with each little one practicing a tail lob before the others would copy.

It is this back and forth communication that makes for great practice amongst the calves as they perfect their technique and form with each tail lob, tail slap and breach improving their skillset.

Further mother and calf pods were resting nearby and we could see clearly today just how important these resting grounds are for our visiting whales.

To have a safe location to arrive and rest in for a few days before continuing south is vital to each and every new calf that visits these resting grounds and in turn ensures the stability of the population moving forward.

Roaring towards us from Rottnest Island we all had a brilliant view of the jets as they zoomed overhead and dipped their wings, what a sensational sight to see! Remembrance Day is tomorrow and as the jets soared over us it was a reminder of how blessed we are to live with the freedoms we have enjoyed in Australia for many years now thanks to our brave men and woman who both past and present defend our nation and freedoms. Our wonderful morning was completed with the most wonderful little Fur Seal who was so very curious and swam alongside us for a good look at everyone onboard. Lifting up on each surfacing he would turn to face towards us with big eyes and whiskers showing, such a beautiful little character!

-Whale Watch Western Australia

This post was adapted from a blog, read the original here.


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