Dr. Andrew Trites (Director, Marine Mammal Research Unit & North Pacific Universities Marine Mammal Research Consortium) and Whale Tales joined with the Saturna Island Marine Research and Education Society on Saturday, August 15 for a fantastic evening of fish tacos and cetacean stories.
The event was held at Thompson Park and it turned out to be a great venue for this event, especially since the weather cleared just in time. The Saturna Cafe provided a delicious multi-course meal of watermelon gazpacho and assorted fish tacos for the assembled party. After dinner and introductions, Andrew started us off with tales of the first time he ever saw a whale, a brief history of some of whales of our coast, and a delightful recounting of his efforts to obtain and create an epic blue whale skeleton at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum.
As the sun set, we opened the floor up to the rest of the whale enthusiasts. Some incredible stories were shared, highlighting Saturna residents’ unique viewpoint on whales in the Salish Sea.
Check back soon on the Whale Tales website for these stories, including an encounter with a newborn member of J Pod, a Minke whale being chased by Transients Killer Whales, and the exciting discovery that Springer had given birth to a calf.
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