Episode 076 – Jackie Hildering

We are very excited to welcome Jackie Hildering, Co-Founder and Education & Communications Director for the Marine Education and Research Society, aka The Marine Detective to the pod this month! Join us for a wonderful and thoughtful conversation about Humpbacks in BC, research and community building. 

Show Notes:

-The Marine Detective website: https://themarinedetective.com/

-The Marine Education and Research Society: https://mersociety.org/

-Whale Safe Boating Course Sign Up: https://signup-can.keela.co/boater-course-alert-list

-Whale Warning Flag: https://www.bewhalewise.org/know-the-flags/

-Jackie and MERS on Planet Earth III: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0gwvq9v

-Jackie’s Whale Tales: https://whale-tales.org/category/storytellers/jackie/

-Follow Jackie on Facebook at The Marine Detective and Instagram at @themarinedetective

-Follow MERS on Facebook at Marinesocietybc and Instagram at @mersociety