Episode 073-North Pacific Right Whales

Just a bunch of whale nerds this month on the Whale Tales Podcast – we are joined by Kate Hruby and Kevin Campion from Save the North Pacific Right Whales to talk all things North Pacific Right Whales and learn more (as much as we can?) about these rare, sneaky whales.  

Show Notes:

-Save the North Pacific Right Whale Website: https://www.northpacificrightwhale.org/

-Contact form: https://www.northpacificrightwhale.org/contact

-Sightings map: bit.ly/NPRWMap 

-Dana Wight’s baleen work: https://news.mongabay.com/2023/04/how-do-you-study-one-of-the-worlds-rarest-whales/

-Jessica Crance discovering that NPRWs sing: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/feature-story/first-recording-north-pacific-right-whale-song

-Report your North Pacific Right Whale sighting: NP.RW@noaa.gov

-Watch Right Over the Edge: The Search for the North Pacific Right Whale: https://www.northpacificrightwhale.org/the-film

-Deep Green Wilderness: https://www.deepgreenwilderness.com/

-Follow Save the North Pacific Right Whale: @nprightwhale on Instagram

-Follow Deep Green Wilderness on Instagram:  @deepgreenwilderness

-A Rare Sighting of a North Pacific Right Whale: https://whale-tales.org/a-rare-sighting-of-a-north-pacific-right-whale-2020/

-A Windy Encounter with a North Pacific Right Whale: https://whale-tales.org/a-windy-encounter-with-a-north-pacific-right-whale-5-24/