I was fishing outside of Moriches Inlet I headed east just off Westhampton Beach were I saw two Humpback Whales floating in about 20’ of water about 100 yards or so from the beach. They were just floating there slapping their pectoral fins and playing with each other for about 1/2 hour.

They just floated ever so slowly westward and south to about 40-50’ when I left them I stayed close about 100 yards because there were other boats that were flying east and I would radio and wave them down to be careful that they were just floating under the surface and they may not see them.

Anyway it worked for the next day one of my friend’s was a little more easterly then I was and he also saw the same 2 whales doing the same thing again. In all my encounters which there has been many over the past several years I never saw them do this and 2 together even more amazing.

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